During Saturday's tie versus the Indians, the Padres' social media people kept fans engaged on Twitter by having Andrew Cashner answer fan-submitted questions from the dugout. He answered a wide array of questions, and not just about baseball.
As you'd expect, he got a lot of questions about hunting.
.@GhostofRAK@AlexiAmarista for ducks. That'd be fun #AskCash
— San Diego Padres (@Padres) March 8, 2014
Oh my goodness, that needs to be a reality show.
— San Diego Padres (@Padres) March 8, 2014
How humble of him. There were a number of other hunting-related replies, but one in particular was reassuring for Padres fans:
.@AvengingJM I don't play with knives anymore #AskCash
— San Diego Padres (@Padres) March 8, 2014
In addition to questions about shooting stuff, Cash took on some random topics including his mullet, favorite movie, and home state.
.@Charles_XM The mullet. It requires a lot of product #AskCash
— San Diego Padres (@Padres) March 8, 2014
.@justiceparman22 8 seconds #AskCash
— San Diego Padres (@Padres) March 8, 2014
Is that the sequel to 7 Seconds with Wesley Snipes? No? Bullriding? Whoa, that sounds even worse than I was imagining.
.@TheThinGwynn 100% #myfavoriteshow#AskCash
— San Diego Padres (@Padres) March 8, 2014
In addition to all that whimsy, Cashner weighed in on baseball-related matters.
.@ndrewdomingo senior year of high school #AskCash
— San Diego Padres (@Padres) March 8, 2014
.@izzat43 100% yes. Best slider in the game #AskCash
— San Diego Padres (@Padres) March 8, 2014
.@allchorus Cabby for sure #AskCash
— San Diego Padres (@Padres) March 8, 2014
I wonder if Alexi would be able to shoot ducks while riding piggyback?
.@RickysHere I like our team and our division and I like our chances... I think so. #AskCash
— San Diego Padres (@Padres) March 8, 2014
.@tieguydesign When I closed at TCU, I came out to Copperhead Road #AskCash
— San Diego Padres (@Padres) March 8, 2014
That seems like a good spot to wrap up this round-up. It was a lot of good, clean fun for everyone involved, and the Padres should totally do that again.