Today's quiz concerns players who have logged more than one 20-homer season while wearing a Padres uniform. There have been virtually countless others who fit the criteria of both being a Padre at one point and also having multiple seasons with 20 or more blasts, but this isn't about the Dave Kingmans and Mike Piazzas of the world; this is about the... oh, you almost got me! No free answers from me; now that you grasp the concept it's all on your shoulders.
Thirteen guys have done that thing I was just rambling about, and you have four minutes to I.D. as many of them as you can. It's not life or death or even minor disfigurement, but it's worth 240 seconds of your life to rub your seven in your six-getting friend's face.
Obligatory "You probably know the drill and if you don't, welcome" primer: Once you finish the quiz, log your results in the poll below and feel free urged to discuss in the comments section the ones you got and missed. Just use the spoiler bar feature over names.