Like Monday's quiz about Padres with a 100-RBI season, this seemed like a subject I would have already made a quiz about. Whereas 13 players combined for 18 100-RBI seasons, 11 have scored 100 runs a total of 15 times. Since 82% of the people who took the 100-RBI quiz got at least 10 out of 13 in three minutes, and this one has two less answers, I dropped the time down to two minutes. I would have went with two-and-a-half, but that's not an option. A two-minute cap also limits mass-wild-guessing, which I like because the results seem truer than when it becomes a contest to see who can get the most crap to stick to a wall.
Once all of the sand is in the bottom of the egg timer, log your results in the poll below. Also, be sure to use spoiler bars in your comments where applicable, so as to not ruin the quiz for someone who hasn't taken it yet.