The El Paso Chihuahuas' inaugural season has come to a close. Over the course of the season, manager Pat Murphy wrote 57 different names on at least one lineup card. How many can you name in 10 minutes?
This includes every player who saw action with the club, whether they were mainstays, brief call-ups, and big leaguers down for injury rehab. Keep that in mind while you're throwing hail marys as the seconds tick down. I arranged the names in alphabetical order, so use that to your advantage after you've filled in the ones you know. As always, you only need to enter the player's last name; I wrote several alternate spellings into the guts of the quiz for guys with tricky names, so if you don't think you can spell someone's name, give it a shot anyway. For instance, if "Bueller" was an answer and you typed "Beuller", Ferris Bueller's name would still pop up and you'd get credit.
Once you're finished, be sure to log your results in the poll below. Comment early and comment often; just be sure to use spoiler bars over names out of respect for those who haven't had a chance to take the quiz yet.