The late Oscar Azocar, who played for the Padres in 1991 and '92, used to own a major league record, and will probably hold it again before too long. Confusing? Convoluted? Allow me to clear up the mess of Pick Up Sticks I spilled in the first place. Azocar stole ten bases in his career without being caught; three players have since passed him up, but they're all active, thus still apt to get caught stealing at some point.
I spotted Azocar's name amongst the players born this day, and checked his BR bullpen page. To be completely honest, I checked it so see how he passed away; I remembered it happening, but not the circumstances. That wasn't covered there, but it did make note of the aforementioned tentative record. I knew that Aztec alumni and Gwynn pupil Quintin Berry has accrued far more without getting caught, so I ran a BR Play Index query. Sure enough, Berry has stolen 25 bases without getting caught over three seasons with the Tigers, Red Sox, and Orioles. He's back with the Red Sox organization now and if he wins a roster spot he's one missed read away from relinquishing his spot. Similarly, Reds shortstop Zack Cozart has 11 steals without a CS under his belt, and Red Sox outfielder Jackie Bradley is currently tied with Azocar.
I generally don't root for athletes to fail in general, just whenever I need them to fail so the Padres will win, but I hope all three of those guys get caught this year so Oscar Azocar can have his record back. But even if one of them do happen to -- ahem -- run off with his record, at least he still has one of the greatest baseball cards of all time to his name.