With just over five weeks left until Opening Day, Padres Head Groundskeeper Luke Yoder has his hands full prepping Petco Park for baseball. That means he's breaking out all the usual equipment: Tractors, tillers, shovels sod, brooms, rakes — and lasers?!
Prepping infield edges for root-zone to overlap when we laser grade pic.twitter.com/zUCgrMf3Mc
— Luke Yoder (@luke_yoder) March 2, 2015
Yep! To make sure the turf at Petco lies just right, Yoder goes high-tech. Measuring the grade the old school way with stakes and strings just isn't precise enough (and probably a heck of a lot slower). I asked him on Twitter if he knew he'd get to play with sci-fi toys when he got into the field.
@gdarklighter when I got into this business I knew I'd get to play w/ dirt & be around the smell of fresh cut grass, but lasers are a bonus
— Luke Yoder (@luke_yoder) March 2, 2015
Dirt, grass, and lasers. We should all be so lucky.