Our buddies over at RazzBall.com asked that we answer some Padres questions for their fantasy managers. That means your buddy Darklighter came chugging out of the bullpen to make an appearance.
My favorite part of this interview is how confident Darklighter is with his answers. I don't know much about how Fantasy Baseball leagues score or how managers make their decisions, but if I was one I'd listen to Darklighter just because of that rare confidence that borders on cockiness.
I'll give you a taste of how he answers the first question, then you can go over to RazzBall and read the rest.
1) Cameron Maybin was derailed by injuries to his wrist and knee in 2013. The Padres showed faith in the young centerfielder with a 5-year contract back in 2012. If healthy, what can fantasy players expect out of a full season of at-bats from Maybin, who turns just 27 this April?
You couldn’t have started with an easier question? Maybin might be the single biggest question mark on the Padres’ roster right now. He really struggled in the first half of 2012, but salvaged the season with a solid second half. After missing almost all of last season, bad Cameron Maybin seems more likely to show up than good Cameron Maybin. His defense was great regardless, and I’d expect him to flash some leather again this year despite the knee troubles. His bat means he’ll likely go pretty late in your draft, but I think there’s enough upside with his defense alone to make him worth the pickup. If he gets his bat going, too? You’ll look brilliant.
See what I mean?