Andrew Cashner wanted 5% more money than the Padres "final" offer
Andrew Cashner has apparently won an arbitration case against the Padres today. Andrew Cashner's arbitration number was $2.4 million while the Padres tried to stand their ground at $2.275 million, a difference of $125K or just over 5% compared to the Padres offer. The Padres, apparently with nothing better to do, decided to hire probably $200K worth of lawyers and analysts to battle over that last $125K.
I guess in order to be competitive in this market you gotta make sure you're squeezing the blood out of every single nickel you can. But seriously, how do these numbers get to this point and then arbitration? Did somebody not set an alarm clock? You couldn't just split the difference at that point? Did somebody mistake Cashner for a project manager asking for a raise? This numbers are not very far apart at all, people. One would be forgiven for believing them to literally be the same number.
If I'm on that arbitration panel and I see those numbers, I literally flip a coin, say something to the effect of, "WTF is wrong with the both of you?" and then take an early lunch.
Cashner went 10-9 last year with a 3.09 ERA, is very likely going to be announced at some point as the Opening Day starter and will very very likely spend the extra $125K he's earned on something related to ducks or beard grooming.