Today on Presidents Day, the beat writers of every MLB team interviewed their corresponding club president. Clicking through each interview is a good way to figure out what's going on around the league.
Our favorite beat writer Corey Brock asked some good questions of Padres president Mike Dee. The final question and answer, however, was the one that caught my eye. It was about a possible uniform color change.
Padres president Mike Dee reflects on Petco Park, fan connection, more | padres.com: News
MLB.com: Fans keep asking about bringing back the brown uniforms. What are your plans this season to honor the brown and could we eventually see a shift in uniforms to bring back the brown on more than just an occasional basis?
Dee: We are doing a lot of research on this subject at the moment. We don't have a definitive answer today but will soon.
I was shocked. A definitive answer is coming soon? Why does this make me so nervous?
I know the Padres sent out an email survey that asked what "What colors come to mind when you think of the Padres?" The results of that survey question have not been made public. Other than that I have no idea what research they've been doing.
We here at Gaslamp Ball conducted our own informal and unscientific research. You can see the results of the poll here. Seventy-four percent of those polled were in favor of returning to uniforms with brown as the primary color. Gold was the overwhelming most popular secondary color with 40%. I'm happy with those results.
From attending a blogger meet up with Mike Dee, I really got the suspicion that he strongly favors returning to the Blue and Orange colors that were being used when he was last employed by the Padres. He seemed to dismiss the intense push for brown and kept changing the subject to the 90's uniforms and colors. I said this at the time:
Hopefully someone in a position of power with the Padres will one day make the right decision. From my reading of his reaction I seriously doubt it'll be Mike Dee.
The Padres definitely need a uniform and color change and Blue and Orange would without a doubt be an improvement over the current uniform but it's a shame the team seems to resist returning to their original, classic and unique colors. Let's keep our collective fingers crossed.